
Wednesday, 17 June 2009 real life

I always wanted to see 'Dan in Real Life'. Not because it was recommended by someone (in fact, I don't recall anyone recommending it). The promos made me feel that I would like the movie. And I like that guy - Steve Carell.

So I waited and I waited till the channel and my convenience met. Finally I saw the movie.

I'm not writing this post to review the film. It's just that I've gotten myself into the habit of reading quotes from movies that I like. Some quotes are wonderful and inspiring, some are outrageously hilarious while some are like an art film. I don't understand anything. It just creates a vaccuum in my head.

Now, my favourite quotes from this movie:

When Dan has a dialogue with Cara on her affair with Marty,
Cara: You don't have to worry because when it comes to sex, Marty is the one who wants to wait.
Dan: What part of that sentence is supposed to give me comfort?

I thought it was hilarious.

The other one is a little too profound but put across in simple words.
Dan: Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised.

Great! Leaving it at that.

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