
Saturday 28 February 2009

Stranded without Shanbag

Where do I begin?
'Howard's End' from The Strand Book Stall or 'Great Expectations' from The Strand Book Sale? How does it matter? Because they both had one thing in common - T N Shanbhag. The booklover, who loved books, lived books and earned a livelihood from books. I still remember my first encounter with him. All of thirteen, it was my first trip to the Strand Book Stall, a place which always excited my father. I stepped into this shop and saw words all around me. It was a madhouse - where you would yearn to go mad. Grandfather books, fat books, thin books, baby books - all kinds of books. Nothing like the new-age Crossword which is not just expensive but managed by a bunch of people who have hardly read anything in their lives. You ask them for a book on doodles and they come back with Cock-a-Doodle rhyme books for kids. But at the Strand, you have a guide in every salesperson. They know their job and they are in love with it. That's what makes shopping for books at Strand a different experience. And you have the Strand Book Sale. Some my best recipe books (really well-written and expensive ones) were picked from the sale. I am addicted to the Strand Book Sale. You all kinds of books at the best rates. If you don't find it Strand, you don't find it anywhere. And if it's out of stock they ensure that they make it available to you as fast as possible. And all this because it was run by the great Mr Shanbhag...
He's no more. And I genuinely hope that the legacy continues...though I must admit, the bespectacled looks alongwith the advices will be missed by many.


Anonymous said...

Gosh.... I really miss the Strand Book shop n the sale.... It was less than a 5 min walk from my work-place.... Used to go there almost ever week.... and have had the pleasure of interacting with Mr. Shanbaug on many ocassions.... I completely agree with you comment on Crossword... Shopping or even just browsing at Strand was a different world altogether.

And the sale, have been there every year since the time I got to know about it.

Now you have made me all nostalgic :)

(mira) said...

Aruna, the Strand Book Sale was like paradise for book lovers. I have got a huge collection of books from there. It was like the people there hand-picked books for customers, as if they had premonition of what's going to be in demand. Thanks to Strand sale I got to know about Monisha Bharadwaj and her wonderful books on Indian Kitchens and Indian Home Decor. Also got some books by Madhur Jaffery. Hope it continues to satiate the hunger of book lovers.